“The trashy lives of most people are the fit outcome of the trash which they read. A life fed on fiction is a life of fiction; a life fed on divine fact will become a life of divine fact.” - (Charles Hadden Spurgeon)
“When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes.” - (Erasmus) "For my own part, I tend to find the doctrinal books often more helpful in devotion than the devotional books, and I rather suspect that the same experience may await others. I believe that many who find that "nothing happens" when they sit down, or kneel down, to a book of devotion, would find that the heart sings unbidden while they are working their way through a tough bit of theology with a pipe in their teeth and a pencil in their hand" - (C. S. Lewis) Search for Books Online Using:
Note about the above quote: Of course, Davies is using the word "entertain" in an older sense. It appears to be the ninth definition offered by Oxford English Dictionary: "To engage, keep occupied the attention, thoughts, or time of (a person): also with attention, etc. as obj. Hence to discourse to (a person) of something. ... 1692 Br. Ely Answ. Touchstone A v, I hope I shall neither tire the Reader, nor entertain him unprofitably. 1748 Chesterf. Lett. II clxxiii. I have so often entertained you upon these important subjects." The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary (1971), vol. I, p. 876.
Reed's Text (.txt) file Library
Click Link: http://www.humyo.com/1268977-265719985
The "HUMMER Mp3 Player and txt file Reader" - "I bought mine in 2001 and it is still Running."
This is a photo of the mp3 player recorder and ebook reader that I use. I have downloaded the Rockbox.org software for this Archos Jukebox Recorder 20GB. It is remarkable that a person can read comfortably on this 8 lines of text screen. I find it easy to read just about anywhere. If I hit the off button once and then a second time to power down it remembers the exact page I was on when I navigate and select the same e-book again. You can get these pretty cheap on ebay. Probably $50 - $75 dollars. It is the best mp3 I have ever owned. I have swapped out the 20GB hard drive for a 100GB drive and packed it full of sermons and music. Click here to learn how this is done.