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In Christ, Reed Reformed & Other Theological Works on Google Books by Authors Last Name
Note: Most of these works are from the continent, with a few exceptions. I have focused on these works because others have done a good job cataloguing and making available Puritan literature on the web. All works are in English unless otherwise noted. Some of the works are on Gallica, the online library of the French national library. For the Gallica documents, select “télécharger,” then press “OK” on the next page, and then right click on “en cliquant ici.” Save the document. An “*” indicates that it is new on this bibliography. Abbadie, Jacques. L’Art de se Connoître Soi-mesme. French. This is a book on morals written by one of the Huguenot pastors in exile. ________. The Deity of Jesus Christ Essential to the Christian Religion. This was written as a continuation of the book below. ________. La Triomphe de La Providence et de la Religion. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. French. On the seven seals of revelation. ________. A Vindication of the Truth of the Christian Religion Against All Modern Opposers. Written in 1694, a well-respected defense of the Christian faith by a Huguenot pastor. See also the original French, second part only. Adams, Thomas. An Exposition on the Second General Epistle of Peter. ________. The Three Divine Sisters, Faith, Hope, and Charity. Alexander, Joseph Addison. The Acts of the Apostles Explained. ________. Commentary on the Gospel of Mark. ________. Commentary on the Prophecies of Isaiah. See the abridgment here. ________. The Gospel According to Matthew. ________. Notes on New Testament Literature and Ecclesiastical History. ________. Psalms. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. ________. A Treatise on Justification by Faith. Allinga, Petrus. Fax Dissidii Extincta. Latin. ________. Vis Veritati Illata Repulsa seu Excertationes Pacificae. Allinga was an ardent proponent of Cartesianism and Cocceian theology. This is his discussion of the controversies on the covenant that raged in the Netherlands from 1650-1750. Allix, Peter. Diatribe de anno & mense natali Jesu Christi. ________. Douze Sermons sur Divers Textes. ________. The Judgment of the Ancient Jewish Church against the Unitarians. Allix was Pastor at Charenton until the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes and a highly respected scholar. ________. Réflexions sur les cinq livres de Moïse pour établir la vérité de la Religion Chrètienne. ________. Réflexions sur les livres de l’Écriture Sainte pour établir la vérité de la Religion Chrètienne. ________. Some Remarks upon the Ancient Churches of the Piedmont. Alsted, Johann Heinrich. Consiliarus Academicus. Latin. Alsted was a theologian who succeeded Piscator. Alsted wrote on almost every academic subject. This book gives us some idea of how he did it. ________. Diatribe de Mille Annos. Latin. This is Alsted’s book defending a postmillennial position. ________. Metaphysica. Alting, Henry. Methodus Theologiae Didacticae. Latin. A short summary of theology by the German-born, Groningen professor. ________. Exegesis Logica et Theologica Augustanae Confessionis. This book is about the controversies between the Lutheran and Reformed Church. ________. Scriptorum Theologicorum Heidelbergensium, Tomus Primus. It has a subtitle of Locos Communes. ________. Theologia Elenctica Nova. Latin. I almost bought this for $200! I’m glad I didn’t. Alting, Jacob. Hebraeorum Republica Scholastica. ________. Schilo, seu Vaticinio Patriarchiae Jacobi in Gen. 49:10. Latin. A lengthy discussion of the prophecy of Jacob in 49:10 concerning Shiloh. ________. Roessingh, Petrus Hendirk. Jacobus Alting: een Bijbelsche Godgeleerde uit het Midden der 17de Eeuw. Ambrose, Isaac. The Works. Vol. 2. This work contains discussions of regeneration, sanctification, and making use of the life of Christ. Amama, Sixtinus. Anti-Barbarus Biblicus. A Reformed, 17th century professor of Hebrew on common errors made in the interpretation of Scripture. Ames, William. Aenhangsel van de Haegsche conferentie. Dutch. Ames refutes the Remonstrant articles that they set forth in their conference at the Hague. The Latin edition is also available. ________. Bellarminus Enervatus. Latin. Ames’ comprehensive response to Robert Bellarmine’s attack on Protestantism. ________. A Fresh Suit Against Human Ceremonies in Worship. ________. Lectiones in CL Psalmos Davidis. ________. Theologiae Medulla. Latin. This is only the first part of Ames’ Marrow of Theology. ________. Vijf boeken van de conscientie. Dutch. Ames’ book on ethics. It is also available in Latin on Google and English on EEBO. ________. Visscher, Hugo. Guilielmus Amesius: Zijn Leven en Werken. Amyraut, Moïse. Brief Traitté de la Predestination. French. His controversial work on the subject. ________. De Jure Naturae Quod Connubia Dirigit. ________. La Morale Chrestienne. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 6. ________. Paraphrase sur l’Épistre de S. Paul aux Corinthiens. French. Amyraut or Amyraldus (from whence Amyraldianism is derived) was the controversial Reformed teacher at Saumur in France. He was also very much appreciated for his exegetical labors. In both this work and the next entry, Amyraut has the Scripture verse in the margin with his amplification of the verse as the main text. The amplification serves as an interpretation. ________. Paraphrase sur l’Épistre de S. Paul aux Romains. French. ________. Paraphrase sur l’Évangile de Nostre Seigneur Jésus Christ Sélon Saint Jean. French. ________. Quatres Sermons sur Heb. 6:4-6. ________. Traitté des Religions. French. This is written against those who think religion doesn’t matter. Anthologie Protestante Français. A collection of writings from the first couple centuries of French Proestantism. Aretius, Benedict. Commentarii in Epistolas Canonicas. Latin. Commentary on the “Catholilc” Epistles. ________. Commentarii in Evangelium secundum Johannem. Latin. A 16th century Reformed theologian’s commentary on the Gospel according to John. Ashe, Simeon. Primitive Divinity; a Treatise on Contentment. Aymon, Jean. Tous les Synodes Nationaux des Églises Reformeés de France. Vol. 2. Baily, Louis. The Practice of Piety. Ball, John. A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace. This was published around the time of the Westminster Assembly in London. Basnage, Jacques. Histoire de la religion des églises reformées ...: pour servir de réponse à l'Histoire des variations des eglises protestantes par M. Bossuet, évêque de Meaux. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. ________. L’unité, la visibilité, et l’autorité de l’église. French. Basnage was a famous Huguenot pastor in exile. Bastingius, Jeremias. Verclaringe op den Catechisme der Christlicker Religie. Dutch. This was the first major work on the Heidelberg Catechism in Holland. It was translated into English, and that work is available on EEBO. Bates, William. The Whole Works. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 1 contains apologetic writings. Vol. 2 contains works on the Christian life. Vol. 3 contains works on divine judgment and the fear of God. Vol. 4 contains sermons. Bavinck, Herman. De Algemeene Genade. Dutch. Bavinck’s book on common grace. ________. Blijven of Heengaan? Dutch. ________. De Ethiek Van Ulrich Zwingli. Dutch. ________. Godsdienst en Godgeleerdheid. Dutch. ________. Hedendaagsche Moraal. Dutch. ________. Pedagogische Beginselen. Dutch. ________. The Philosophy of Revelation. ________. Roeping en Wedergeboorte. Dutch. ________. The Sacrifice of Praise: Meditations Before and After Receiving the Lord’s Supper. ________. De Welsprekenheid. Dutch. ________. De Zekerheid des Geloofs. Dutch. Baxter, Richard. Aphorismes of Justification. ________. The Practical Works. ________. The Reasons of the Christian Religion. Benoit, Elie. Mélange de remarques critiques, historiques, theologiques, & philosophiques. Bèze, Théodore. Sermons sur l’histoire de la resurrection de Notre-Seigneur Jesus-Christ. French. ________. De Praedestinationis Doctrina et Vero Usu Tractatio Absolutissima. Latin. Edited by Raphael Eglinus. This is taken from Beza’s discussion of Romans 9. He also has added excerpts from Luther’s Bondage of the Will. ________. Traicté des vrayes, essencielles et visibles marques de la vraye église catholique. French. ________. Heppe, Heinrich. Theodor Beza. German. Biography. Binning, Hugh. Works. Contains sermons on the catechism, Romans 8, 1 John, and several other texts. Blondel, David. Traitté de la Créance des Pères Touchant l’Estat des Ames Après Cette Vie. Bochart, Samuel. Trois sermons préliminaries. French. Bochart was a famous French Reformed theologian in the 1st half of the 17th century. He is probably most famous for his work on the animals of the Bible. This is a book of three sermons that he preached preliminary to a sermon series on Genesis. ________. Hierozoicon. Latin. His famous book on the animals of Scripture. ________. Smith, Edward Herbert. Samuel Bochart: Recherches sur sa Vie et ses Ouvrages. ________. Whittingham, William. “Essay on the Life and Writings of Samuel Bochart” in Essays and Dissertations in Biblical Literature. Bolton, Robert. On the Employment of Time. Boston, Thomas. Human Nature in Its Fourfold State. The classic summary of theology from the great Scottish preacher. ________. The Whole Works. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 6. Vol. 7. Vol. 8. Vol. 9. Vol. 10. Vol. 11. Vol. 1 contains various sermons and “Crook in the Lot.” Vol. 2 has Boston’s discussion of the Ten Commandments. Vol. 4 contains sermons on various subjects. Vol. 5 has “Distinguishing Characteristics of Believers” and various other sermons. Vol. 6 has miscellaneous questions and tracts. Vol. 7 contains a short explanation of the Assembly’s Shorter Catechism, “Marrow of Modern Divinity,” and “Everlasting Espousals.” Vol. 8 has “Human Nature in Its Fourfold State.” Vol. 9 contains sermons on various subjects. Vol. 10 has a discussion on the attributes of Christ and “The Christian Life Delineated.” Vol. 11 contains a work on the covenant of works and one on fasting. Boyd, James R. The Westminster Shorter Catechism. This is basically a catechetical commentary on the subject. Bradstreet, Anne. The Works. à Brakel, Wilhelmus. Redelijke Godsdienst. Dutch. This is Brakel’s famous practical system written primarily laymen. It includes his commentary on Revelation. This has been recently translated into English by Reformation Heritage Books. ________. Los, Franz Johannes. Wilhelmus à Brakel. Braun, Johannes. Id est, vestitus sacerdotum hebraeorum sive commentarius... in Exodi cap. XXVIII ac XXIX & Levit. cap. XVI aliaque loca S. Scripturae quamplurina: liber secundus. _______. Selecta Sacra: Libri V. Bridge, William. The Works. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 4 contains sermons on various topics. Brooks, Thomas. Complete Works. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. The 1st volume contains Brooks’ classic, “Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices,” a book on suffering, advice to young men and women, and a short work on heaven, as well as an introduction to his life. Vol. 2 contains works on heaven and exhortations to salvation. Vol. 3 has two works, one on the riches of Christ and another containing various truths called “A Cabinet of Jewels.” Vol. 4 contains a book on holiness called “The Crown and Glory of Christianity.” Brown, John. A Vindication of the Presbyterian Form of Church Government. Buchanan, James. The Doctrine of Justification. Bullinger, Heinrich. Confessio et Expositio Simplex Orthodoxae Fidei. ________. The Decades. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. The sermons of the great Zurich reformer, setting forth the basic doctrines of the Protestant faith. There are five “decades” of sermons. The first two are in the first volume, the third in the second, and so on. ________. Deux Sermons de la Fin du Siecle. French. Bunyan, John. Bunyan’s Devotional Works. Burgess, Anthony. The True Doctrine of Justification. Burman, Franz. Synopsis Theologiae. Vol. 2. Latin. Burman was the greatest student of Johannes Coccejus and a firm supporter of his system. He also appreciated and interacted with the philosophy of Descartes. He wrote this work organized around the doctrine of the covenant. Vol. 1 is now available on Google Books. Burroughs, Jeremiah. An Exposition of the Prophesie of Hosea. ________. The Saints’ Happiness. Lectures on the Beatitudes. ________. A Sermon Preached before the House of Commons. Buxtorf, Johannes. Buxtorf-Falkeisen, Karl. Johannes Buxtorf, Vater. Cameron, John. Pralectionum in Selectiora Quaedam Novi Testamanti Loca. This work includes a discussion of Mt. 18:15-18 and a discussion of the doctrine of the Church. Caryl, Joseph. A Directory for the Afflicted. This work contains abstracts from his famous work on Job. Cartwright, Thomas. Metaphrasis et Homiliae in Librum Salomoni qui inscribitur Ecclesiastes. Case, Thomas. A Treatise on Afflictions. Cassaubon, Isaac. De Rebus Sacris & Ecclesiasticis. Chalmers, Thomas. On Natural Theology. ________. Posthumous Works. ________. Sermons and Discourses. Vol. 2. ________. Select Works. This is a link to the Internet Archive search page. ________. Works. A one volume edition. ________. Works. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 6. Vol. 7. Vol. 5 is on philosophy and its relation to Christianity. Vol. 6 is a discussion of the application of Christianity to the ordinary affairs of life. Vol. 7 discusses the relation of Christianity to astronomy and other sciences. The 1st volume is available in several editions with different works in each. Chamier, Daniel. Memoir of Daniel Chamier, Minister of the Reformed Church of France. A short English biography of this leader of the French Reformed Churches in the first part of the 16th century. ________. Read, Charles. Daniel Chamier (1564-1621): Journal de Son Voyage a la Cour de Henri IV et sa Biographie. Charnock, Stephen. The Complete Works. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 1 has his work on the existence and attributes of God as well as a work on divine providence. Vol. 2 continues the work on the attributes of God. Vol. 3 has a treatise on regeneration and Christ’s blood. Vol. 4 has a discourse on the knowledge of God, unbelief, and the Lord’s Supper. Vol. 5 contains various discourses. ________. Discourses Upon the Existence and Attributes of God. Chouet, Jean-Robert. Budé, Eugène. Vie de Jean Robert Chouet. Clarkson, David. The Works. Claude, Jean. A Defence of the Reformation. According to Bayle, one of the best works on the subject. See also the original French. ________. An Essay on the Composition of the Sermon. This is basically Vol. 1 of his works (see next). He discusses in great detail all the matters involved in composing a sermon. Several editions of this work are available on Google books. ________. Considérations sur les lettres circulaires de l'assemblée du clergé de France de 1682. ________. Explication de la Section XIII du Catéchisme. On the Lord’s Supper. ________. La Parabole Des Noces. ________. L’examen de Soi-Même. A book on how to examine one’s self in preparation to take the Lord’s Supper. ________. Les Fruits de la Repentance. ________. Les Oeuvres Posthumes. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Mostly French, some Latin. Jean Claude was one of the most famous French Reformed theologians of the latter half of the 17th century. Vol. 1 is a book on preaching. Vol. 2-3 are a lengthy book on all aspects of the doctrine of Christ. Vol. 4 contains treatises on various subjections including justification, the fall of Adam, and others. Vol. 5 contains a collection of his correspondence. ________. Réponse au Livre de Mr. Arnauld Entitulé la Perpétuité de l’Église Catholique Touchant l’Eucharistie. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. French. This is Claude’s powerful refutation of the Roman Catholic view of the Eucharist. It met with great success, convincing many of the Reformed position and helping confirm the faith of the Reformed Church. ________. Sermon sur Eph. 4:30. Cloppenburg, Johannes. J. Cloppenburg exercitationes super locos communes theologicos. _______. Kort Begrijp, Van de opkomste Ende Leere der Socinianen: Kortelick vervat in 11. Capitelen. By een gebracht, ende grontelick wederleyt in de Nederlantsche Tale. Coles, Elisha. Christologia, or a Metrical Paraphrase on the History of Our Lord and Savior. ________. A Practical Discourse of God’s Sovereignty. Comrie, Alexander. Brief over die regtvaardigmakinge des zondaars. Dutch. On justification. Coquerel, Athanase. L’Oraison Dominicale. Eight sermons in French. Cotton, John. A Brief Exposition of the Whole Book of Canticles, or Song of Solomon. ________. The Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven. Crocius, Johannes. Anti-Becani. Vol. 2. Crocius was a German Reformed theologian. He wrote this as a refutation of the popular anti-Protestant manual written by the Jesuit Martin Becanus. Cunningham, William. Discussions on Church Principles: Popish, Erastian, and Presbyterian. ________. The Path Towards Knowledge; Discourses on Some Problems of the Day. ________. The Reformers and the Theology of the Reformation. D’Outrein, Johannes. Dissertatio Philologico-Theologica de Melchizedeco. Latin. D’Outrein was one of the many theologians in the Netherlands in the latter part of the 17th century. ________. Korte Schets der Godlyke Waarheden. Dabney, R.L. and Sampson, F.S. A Critical Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews. Dabney, R.L. The Christian Sabbath. ________. Sacred Rhetoric. ________. The Sensualistic Philosophy of the 19th Century Considered. ________. Syllabus and Notes of the Course of Systematic and Practical Theology. Daillé, Jean. Adversus Latinorum de Cultus Religiosi Objecto Traditionem. Latin. Here he shows the worship of religious objects was unknown in the early Church. This includes other essays as well. ________. De Imaginibus Libri Quatuor. ________. De la Créance des Pères sur le Fait des Images. ________. Exposition de l'Epître deuxième de saint Paul à Timothée, en trente-cinq sermons, prononcés à Charenton. ________. Exposition de l'épistre de s. Paul à Tite, en dix-huit sermons. ________. An Exposition of Philippians. Excellent sermons, well worth the read by this learned Huguenot theologian. See also the original French version, Part 1 and Part 2. ________. Sermon de la Foy de Saint Pierre sur Lc. 22:31-32. ________. Sermon sur 1 Cor. 12:13. French. ________. Sermons sur le Catechisme des Églises Reformées. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. French. ________. A Treatise Concerning the Right Use of the Church Fathers. See also the original French. ________. XXI sermons sur le Xe chapitre de la première Epître de saint Paul aux Corinthiens, prononcez à Charenton, l'an 1664, 1665, 1666. ________. XXIII sermons sur le XIIe chapitre de l'Epître aux Hébreux, prononcés à Charenton, avec un sermon sur le verset 1 du chapitre XIII. ________. Vingt Sermons. Daneau, Lambert. Antiosiander. ________. Aphorismi Politici et Militares. Daneau was a lawyer turned pastor and theologian. He studied under Calvin. He wrote books on subjects ranging from warfare to witchcraft to theology to friendship. This is his book on politics. ________. Commentary on Augustine’s Enchiridion. Latin. ________. De tribus graviss. quaestionibus I. de S. Domini Coena ... responsio. ________. Demonstratio Antithesis s. repugnantiae thesium ... Jac. Andreae, De persona Christi. ________. Deux Traités. French. The first is on witchcraft. The second is on playing cards. They were both translated into English and are available, along with quite a few other of Daneau’s works, on EEBO. The Latin edition of the book on witchcraft is also available. ________. Ethices Christianae, Libri Tres. ________. Examen libri de duabus in Christo naturis a M. Kemnitio conscripti. ________. In Petri Lombardi Episcopi Parisiensis (qui Magister Sententiarum appellatur) librum primum Sententiarum, qui est de vero Deo, essentia quidem uno: personis autem trino: Lamberti Danaei Commentarius triplex. ________. Liber de Haeresibus. ________. Orationis Dominicae Explicatio. ________. The Wonderful Workmanship of God. ________. De Félice, Paul. Lambert Daneau. French. Davenant, John. “A Dissertation on the Death of Christ” in his commentary on Colossians. This essay is appended to his commentary on Colossians but is not included in the Banner of Truth edition. It defends an Amyraldian view of the extent of the atonement. ________. Exposition of Colossians. Vol. 1. Vol. 2. ________. A Treatise on Justification. Vol. 2. John Davenant, bishop of Salisbury, famous for his commentary on Colossians, also wrote a massive defense of the Reformed doctrine of justification. De Dieu, Louis. Animadversiones in Acta Apostalorum. Latin. De la Place, Josué. De Imputatione Primi Peccati Adami. Latin. De la Placette, Jean. La mort des Justes, ou La Manière de Bien Mourir. Read the English translation here. ________. Traité de l’Aumône. ________. Traité de Bonnes Oeuvres en Général. De Larroque, Matthieu. La Conformité de la Discipline Écclesiastique des Protestants de France avec celle des Anciens Chrètiens. De Moor, Bernhardinus. Commentarius Perpetuus in Johannis Marckii Compendium. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 6. Vol. 7. Vol. 4 covers from the states of Christ to sanctification. Vol. 5 covers the Christian life and the sacraments. Vol. 6 covers the doctrine of the Church and glorification. Vol. 7 contains indexes. De Superville, Daniel. Nouveaux Sermons sur Diverse Textes de l’Écriture Sainte. ________. Sermons. English. De Superville was a French Reformed preacher in the latter half of the 17th century. ________. Sermons sur Diverse Textes de l’Écriture Sainte. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. ________. Les Véritez et les Devoirs de la Religion Chretiènne. ________. Le Vraie Communiant ou Traité sur le Saint Cène. Derodon, David. Dispute de l’Eucharistie. Derodon was a Reformed philosophy professor in France in the 17th century who also wrote on polemical topics. D’Huisseau. The Reunion of all Christians. Dick, John. Lectures on Theology. Vol. 2. Dickinson, Jonathon. The True Scripture Doctrine Concerning Some Important Points of the Christian Faith. Diodati, John. Budé, Eugène. Vie de Jean Diodati. Drelincourt, Charles. The Christian’s Defence against the Fears of Death. Drelincourt was a French Reformed pastor and wrote mostly on practical theology. ________. Compendio di Controversie. Italian. Drelincourt wrote a popular compendium of controversies in order to help the French Reformed people to deal with their Roman Catholic adversaries. This is a translation of at least a part of it. ________. La Défense de Calvin. French. This is a historical work defending Calvin against a book by Cardinal Richelieu. ________. Des Sacrifices de l’Ancienne et de la Nouvelle Alliance. French. ________. Du Faux Visage de l’Antiquité. ________. Le Pasteur Fidèle, ou Sermon sur Acts 20:28. ________. Sermon sur Rom. 10:15. French. ________. Tu es Pierre ou Sermon sur Mt. 16:18-19. French. ________. Les Visites Charitables ou Les Consolations Chretiènnes. French. Drusius, Johannes. Animadversionum Libri Duo. Interpretations of various passages of Scripture. ________. Observationum Sacrarum Libri XVI. Du Bosc, Pierre. Protestantism. Du Bosc was an eminent French preacher who was eventually exiled by the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. This work contains a biographical sketch and a few sermons on the 1st chapter of Ephesians. ________. Sermons sur Divers Textes de l’Ecriture Sainte. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. ________. Sermons sur l’Epitre de Saint Paul aux Ephesiens. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. ________. La Vie de Pierre Du Bosc. Du Moulin, Pierre. Anatomy of the Mass. Du Moulin’s refutation of the whole practice of the mass. See also the original French. ________. Bouclier de la Foi. French. This is Pierre Du Moulin’s famous defense of the French Reformed Confession. It was translated into English, and that translation is available on EEBO. Though written in the 17th century, it was republished in the 19th century in Paris. This is the edition available here. ________. Le Capucin. ________. Du Juge des Controverses. French. A treatise in which Du Moulin defends the authority and perfection of Scripture. ________. Nouveauté du Papisme. French. ________. La Philosophie française. Vol. 2. French. Du Moulin’s works on philosophy. The 1st volume deals with logic. The 2nd deals with moral philosophy. ________. Traité de la paix de l’âme et du contentement de l’esprit. French. This includes prayers and a meditation on preparing for the Lord’s Supper. ________. La Vie et Religion de Deux Bons Papes, Leon I & Gregory I. ________. De La Vocation Des Pasteurs. ________. Armand, Émile. Essai sur la vie de Du Moulin. A short biography of Pierre Du Moulin in French. Du Plessis Mornay, Philippe. Avertissement aux Juifs sur la Venue du Messie. French. A book by the famous Huguenot on coming of the Messiah addressed to the Jews. ________. De Sacra Eucharistia. ________. Mysterium Iniquitatis, seu Historia Papatus. Latin. ________. Daillé, Jean, ed. Memoires de Phillippe Du Plessis Mornay. Mornay was one of the political leaders of the Huguenots. He also founded the Academy of Saumur. Du Plessis Mornay, Philippe, and others. Recueil des Derinières Heures. French. Duffield, John, ed. The Princeton Pulpit (1852). Miller, Hodge, Alexander, etc. Durham, James. The Law Unsealed, or a Practical Exposition of the Ten Commandments. Eadie, John. A Commentary on the Greek Text of the Epistle of Paul to the Colossians. ________. A Commentary on the Greek Text of the Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians. ________. A Commentary on the Greek Text of the Epistle of Paul to the Philippians. Edwards, John. A Preservative Against Socinianism. This is not Jonathan Edwards but John Edwards, an English Calvinist in the 17th century. Edwards, Jonathan. The Works of President Edwards. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 1 contains his memoirs, History of the Work of Redemption, Qualifications for Communion, and others. Vol. 2 contains treatises on free will, original sin, and the purpose of the world. Vol. 3 contains the treatise on religious affections and accounts of the revivals in New England. Vol. 4 contains some of his sermons. Endemann, Samuel. Compendium Theologiae Moralis. Erskine, Ebenezer. The Whole Works. Erskine, Ralph. The Sermons and Other Practical Works, 10 vols. Fairbairn, Patrick. Ezekiel and the Book of His Prophecies. ________. Jonah: His Life, Character, and Mission. ________. Hermeneutical Manual. ________. The Pastoral Epistles. ________. Pastoral Theology. ________. Prophecy. ________. The Revelation of Law in Scripture. ________. The Typology of Scripture. Fairbairn, Patrick, et al. Divine Revelation Explained and Vindicated. Farel, Guillaume. Du Vrai Usage de le Croix de Jesus-Christ. French. Calvin’s associate set out the true use of the cross over against the errors of Rome. Flavel, John. An Exposition of the Assembly’s Catechism. ________. The Whole Works. Gaches, Raymond. Various Sermons. French. A French Reformed preacher. There are eight sermons available. Gaussen, Louis. The Canon of the Holy Scripture from the Double Point of View of Scripture and Faith. ________. Sermons. ________. The Story of Daniel for the Use of Young People. ________. Theopneusty; Or, The Plenary Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. Gaussen was a Reformed minister in Geneva in the 19th century. Among other works, he wrote this highly regarded defense of the plenary inspiration of Scripture. Gaussen, Stephen. Disserationes Theologicae. Latin. Gaussen was a professor at Saumur. He wrote these dissertations on the study of theology in the 17th century, and this work is a reprint from the 18th century with a preface by J.J. Rambach. Gearing, William. The Sacred Diary; or Select Mediations for Every Part of the Day, and the Employments Thereof. Gib, Adam. Sacred Contemplations. ________. A Warning against Countenancing the Ministrations of George Whitefield. Gill, John. The Cause of God and Truth. ________. A Complete Body of Practical and Doctrinal Divinity. Abridged. Gillespie, George. A Treatise of Miscellany Questions. Gilpin, Richard. Daemonologia Sacra, or a Treatise of Satan’s Temptations. Girardeau, John. Calvinism and Evangelical Arminianism. ________. Instrumental Music in the Public Worship of the Church. ________. Blackburn, George. The Life Work of John Girardeau. Gomarus, Franciscus. Anticosterus, sue Enchiridion Controversarium. Goode, William. The Divine Rule of Faith. Goodwin, Thomas. Moses and Aaron: Civil and Ecclesiastical Rites. An overview of the civil and ecclesiastical laws of the Old Testament. ________. Works. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 6. Vol. 7. Vol. 8. Vol. 9. Vol. 10. Vol. 11. Vol. 12. Vol. 2 contains an exposition of various passages of Ephesians and the first few passages of James. Vol. 3 has an exposition of Revelation and discussions and a couple other works. Vol. 4 has various works on receiving Christ and the Gospel. Vol. 5 contains several works on the glory of Christ and His sacrifice. Vol. 6 is on the work of the Holy Spirit in our salvation. Vol. 7 contains various smaller works. Vol. 8 is on the object and acts of justifying faith. Vol. 9 has one discourse on election and one on thankfulness. Vol. 10 contains a work on the guilt of unregenerate man in sin and punishment. Vol. 11 is a work on the government and constitution of the Church from a Congregationalist perspective. Vol. 12 contains sermons and notes of sermons. Gouge, Thomas. Riches Increased by Giving to the Poor. Gray, Andrew. The Duty and Liberty of a Christian Church Asserted Against Popery, Puseyism, and Erastianism. ________. Oxford Tractarianism. ________. The Works of the Reverend and Pious Andrew Gray. Primarily sermons. Gurnall, William. The Christian in Complete Armour. Gürtler, Nicolas. Synopsis Theologiae Reformatae. Latin. A brief system in the Cocceian mold by a professor from the Dutch University of Franeker. Guthrie, William. The Christian’s Great Interest. Hale, Matthew. Serious Reflections on Time and Eternity. Hall, Joseph. Works, 9 vols. Halyburton, Thomas. An Essay on the Ground or Formal Reason of Saving Faith. ________. The Great Concern of Salvation. ________. Natural Religion Insufficient and Revealed Religion Necessary to Man’s Current State of Happiness. Harris, Robert. A Sermon Preached before the House of Commons. Ps. 10:14-15. Heidanus, Abraham. De Origine Erroris Libri Octo. Latin. ________. Cramer, Jan Anthony. Abraham Heidanus en Zijn Cartesianisme. Heidanus was a leading Cocceian theologian at Leiden in the middle of the 17th century. Heidegger, Johannes Heinrich. Corpus Theologiae Christianae. Vol. 2. ________. De Historia Sacra Patriarchum Selectae Exercitationes. Vol. 2. ________. Dissertationum Selectarum. Latin. Heidegger was one of the most prominent Reformed theologians of the second half of the 17th century. He taught in Zurich and was a primary author of the Formula Consensus Helvetica. Heppe used his dogmatics works more than any other in assembling his Reformed Dogmatics. This is a lengthy book that contains discussions of most of the soteriological topics including the covenant of works, covenant of grace, justification, and the legal covenant. ________. Enchiridion Biblicum. Latin. An introduction to the Bible & Apocrypha. ________. Exercitationum Biblicarum. Latin. Heidegger was also a scholar in Biblical studies and authored a prolegomena to the whole Bible. This works contains several Biblical dissertations. The first is a commentary on the book of Joshua. The second section is a commentary on St. Matthew up to chapter 22. The third section is an exegetical commentary on Romans. The fourth is a commentary on 1 Corinthians and 2 Corinthians up to chapter 11. Finally, there is a brief commentary on Hebrews. ________. Historia Papatus. ________. Traitez du Martyre, de la Consolation des Martyres. Hellenbroek, Abraham. Korte en Eenvoudige Catechesatie. Part 2. A short summary of the Reformed doctrine in the form of a catechism. It is available in English through Reformation Heritage Books and here. Heppe, Heinrich. Reformed Dogmatics. German and Latin. Henry, Matthew. Daily Communion with God. _______. The Miscellaneous Works. Vol. 2. Various sermons and treatises. Heywood, Oliver. The Whole Works. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 1 is a treatment of his life. Hill, Robert. Pathway to Piety. Vol. 2. Hodge, A. Alexander. Outlines of Theology. ________. Popular Lectures on Theology. Hodge, Charles. A Commentary on the Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians. ________. Essays and Reviews. ________. An Exposition of the First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians. Second Epistle. ________. Princeton Sermons. ________. The Way of Life. Hodge, John Aspinwall. What is Presbyterian Law as Defined by the Church Courts? This is a great book that all Presbyterian pastors and all those who want to understand Presbyterianism should read. Hommius, Festus. Ordeel des Synodi Nationalis der Gereformeerde Kercken. ________. Wijminga, Pieter Jan. Festus Hommius. A biography of the early 17th century theologian. Hoornbeek, Johannes. Disputationum theologicorum Anti-socinianorum compendium. ________. Orationes. Latin. ________. Pro Convinciendos et Convertendis Judaeis. ________. Summa Controversarium. Latin. Hoornbeek was a close associate of Voetius. This book contains a discussion of the history of the controversies of the Reformed Church with various groups in the 17th century. It concludes each section with a list of the controversies with each individual group. ________. Theologiae Practicae Pars Prior [Tomus Alter]. Latin. Hopkins, Ezekiel. The Doctrine of the Two Covenants. ________. Works. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 3 contains various works on practical theology. Hottinger, Johannes Heinrich. Compendium Theologiae Judaicae Methodo Scholastica. Latin. Hottinger was a 17th century Zürich theologian. This a summary of the theology, rules, and liturgy of the Jews by this famous Reformed theologian. ________. Cursus Theologicus, methodo Altingiana. ________. Duae Questionum Theologico-Philogicarum. ________. Enneas Dissertationum Philologico-Theologicarum. Latin. This work has several articles on the sacraments and some other Biblical topics. ________. Historiae Ecclesiasticae Novi Testamenti. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. ________. Steiner, Heinrich. Der Zürcher Professor Johannes Heinrich Hottinger in Heidelberg 1655-1661. Howe, John. The Redeemer’s Tears Wept over Lost Souls. _______. Works. Vol. 2. Vol. 1 contains discussion on the doctrine of God and on the life of the author. Vol. 2 contains sermons. Hyperius, Andreas. De Dialecta, Liber Unus. _______. De Formanids Concionibus Sacris. _______. De Theologo, seu de ratione studii theologici: Libri IIII. _______. Elementa Christianae religionis. Jay, William. Thoughts on Marriage. Junius, Franciscus. Biblia Sacra. A translation of the Old Testament into Latin with Beza’s translation of the New Testament. ________. Opuscula Selecta. Latin. Junius was one of the great early Dutch Reformed theologians. This collection of his works was edited by Abraham Kuyper. It includes two sets of his theological theses, a discussion of theological method, and a few other items. ________. Reitsma, J. Franciscus Junius: Een Levensbeld uit den Eerste Eeuw der Kerkhervorming. Jurieu, Pierre. Abrégé de l’Histoire du Concile de Trente. ________. The Accomplishment of Scripture Prophecies. Jurieu was a French Reformed theologian at the time of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. This book discusses prophecy in relation to the Papacy and other events. See the original French here. ________. Eclairicissement sur les scandals injustement pris d’un livre intitulé l’Ouvreture de l’Épître aux Romains. ________. Éxamen d’un Libelle Contre la Religion, l’État, et la Revolution d’Angleterre. French. ________. Examen de l’Eucharistie. French. Jurieu examines the Roman Catholic doctrine of the Eucharist. ________. Éxamen du Livre da la Reünion du Christianisme. French. This is a book on the subject of tolerance. ________. La Politique du Clergé de France. ________. Le Vray Système de l’Église. French. This is a refutation of the Roman Catholic view of the visibility of the Church, its infallibility, and the judge of controversies. ________. Pensées Divers sur la Mort. French. ________. Préjugez Legitimes Contre le Papisme. A response to Pierre Nicole’s famous book against the Calvinists. ________. Préservatif contre le Changement de Religion. French. In this book, he seeks to explain the importance of the difference between Rome and Protestantism. It is written in response to Bossuet’s Exposition (see below). ________. Traité de la Devotion. ________. Van Oordt, C. Pierre Jurieu, Historien Apologiste de la Réformation. French. Keach, Benjamin. The Travels of True Godliness. Keckermann, Bartholomew. Gymnasium Logicum. ________. Praecognitorum Logicorum Tractatus. ________. Praecognitorum Philosophicorum Libri Duo. ________. Systema Compendiusum Totius Mathematices. ________. Systema Rhetorica. ________. Systema Physicum. ________. Freedman, Joseph. “The Career and Writings of Bartholmew Keckermann” in Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society (Vol. 141, no. 3, 1997). Read only. King, David. An Exposition & Defense of Presbyterian Government. Koelman, Jacobus. Krull, A.F. Jacobus Koelman: Eene Kerkhistorische Studie. Kramer, Geerhard. Het Verband van Doop en Wedergeboorte. Dutch. An introduction by Abraham Kuyper is included. Kuyper, Abraham. Encyclopedia of Sacred Theology: Its Principles. ________. Onze Eeredienst. ________. The Work of the Holy Spirit. Lampe, Friedrich Adolphe. Commentarius Analytico-Exegeticus Evangelii Secundum Joannem. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. ________. Compendium Theologiae Naturalis. Latin. ________. Delineatio Theologiae Activae. Latin. This is a discussion of practical theology by one of the great promoters of piety in the Reformed Church in the 18th century. ________. Exercitationum Sacrarum Dodekas. Latin. A massive discussion (over 500 pages!) of the Psalm 45. ________. Inleyding tot de Verborgentheid van het Genade-Verbondt. Dutch. A brief introduction to Christian doctrine. ________. Meditationum Exegeticarum. Latin. This contains various discussions by Lampe including some comments on Revelation and Ecclesiastes. ________. Synopsis Historiae Sacrae et Ecclesiasticae. Le Faucheur, Michel. Sermons sur divers texts de l’Écriture Sainte. Vol. 2. ________. Sermons sur le quatrième chapitre d’Ephésiens. ________. Treize Sermons sur tout le Premier Chapître de I Thessaloniciens. Lenfant, Jacques. Préservatif contre la Réunion avec le Siège de Rome. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. ________. Sermons sur divers texts de l’Écriture Sainte. Leydekker, Melchior. De Historia Jansenismi. ________. De Vario Reipublicae Hebraeorum Statu. ________. Historia Ecclesiastica Illustrata. Lightfoot, John. The Christian Sabbath. ________. The Whole Works. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 6. Vol. 7. Vol. 8. Vol. 9. Vol. 10. Vol. 11. Vol. 12. Vol. 13. Vol. 13 contains a journal of the Westminster Assembly from 1643-1644. Lubbertus, Sibrandus. De Jesu Christo Servatore contra Faustum Socinum. Lusk, William. Discourses on the Covenant of Works, the Fall of Man, and Original Sin. Lusk was a 19th century Presbyterian minister. He claims that his views are in line with Marckius, De Moor, and Witsius. Maccovius, Joannis. Distinctiones et regulae theologicae ac philosophicae. ________. Joannes Maccovius Redivivus. Latin. Maccovius was a Polish theologian who taught in the Netherlands in the 1st half of the 17th century at Franeker. This work contains a great number of his theological writings. ________. Opuscula Philosophica Omnia. Latin. This work covers the whole field of philosophical topics. ________. Kuyper, Abraham, Jr. Johannes Maccovius. A biography. Manton, Thomas. The Complete Works. à Marck, Johannes. Christianae Theologiae Medulla. Latin. This is a wonderful system of theology, based on Marck’s larger system. It was used all throughout into the 18th century in Holland, Britain, and America. This edition is the latest one, and it was published in 1824 in Philadelphia. From the few systematic works that I have examined, this seems to me to be the best all-around system in terms of its clarity, completeness, and middle-of-the-road Reformed orthodoxy. Maresius, Samuel. Apologia Novissima pro S. Augustino, Jansenio, et Jansenitis contra Pontificem et Jesuitas. Latin. Maresius defended Saint Augustine and the Jansenists against the attacks made upon them by Innocent XII on the matter of grace and predestination. Maresius grew up in the French Reformed Church but later moved to Holland and was a leading theologian and teacher in the Netherlands at Groningen. ________. Collegium Theologicum, seu Systema Breve. ________. Hydra Socinianismi Expugnata. Latin. ________. Refutatio Fabulae Prae-Adamiticae. The Marrow of Modern Divinity. One edition of this famous work. Mather, Cotton. Essays to do Good. ________. A Faithful Account of the Discipline Professed and Practiced in the Churches of New England. Mather, Incrase. A Disquisition Concerning Church Courts. Mead, Matthew. The Almost Christian Discovered. Mesnard, Philippe. Essai sur le Socinianisme. French. This is a reply by a Huguenot minister in exile after the Revocation to Le Clerc. Mestrezat, Jean. De La Communion à Jesus-Christ au Sacrement de l’Eucharistie. _________. Éxposition de l’Épître aux Hébreux. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 5 contains chapters 12 and 13. _________. Éxposition du Huitième Chapitre de l’Épitre de S. Paul aux Romains. Vol. 2. French. Mestrezat was a minister at Charenton in the first half of the 17th century. ________. Traitté de l’Église. French. Miller, Samuel. An Essay on the Warrant, Duties, and Office of the Ruling Elder. ________. Manual of Presbytery. ________. Letters Concerning the Constitution and Polity of the Church. Mitchell, Alexander. Catechisms of the Second Reformation. This includes the Westminster as well as a catechism by Rutherford and other catechisms of the period. Morus, Alexandre. Ad Esaiae prophetae caput quinquagesimum tertium, de perpessionibus et gloria Messiae notae ac diatribae. ________. Causa Dei, seu De Scriptura Sacra. Latin. Morus was a somewhat controversial professor in Geneva in the middle of the 17th century. ________. Dix-huitième Sermons de Mr. Morus sur Romains 8. Müller, E.F. Karl. Die Bekenntnisschriften der reformierten Kirche. Various languages. This is a collection of various Reformed creeds and catechisms. It includes a Latin edition of the Westminster Standards. Musculus, Wolfgang. In Decalogum praeceptorum Dei explanatio. ________. Loci Communes Sacrae Theologiae. Mussard, Pierre. Sermons sur divers textes de l’Écriture Sainte. Ness, Christopher. An Antidote Against Arminianism. Oeclampadius, Johannes. Hagenbach, K.R. Johann Oekolampad und Oswald Myconius: Leben und ausgewählte Schriften. Olevianus, Caspar. Verklaring der Apostolische Geloofsbelijdenis. Ostervald, Jean-Frédéric. Compendium Ethicae Christianae. Latin. Ostervald was one of the Swiss theologians who sought along with Jean-Alphonse Turretin a “broader” Christianity in the early part of the 18th century in order to better combat Deism and the Enlightenment. Owen, John. An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Though this is available in other formats, this seems to me to be a particularly good one. ________. The Works. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 6. Vol. 7. Vol. 8. Vol. 9. Vol. 10. Vol. 11. Vol. 12. Vol. 13. Vol. 14. Vol. 15. Vol. 16. Vol. 17. Vol. 18. Vol. 19. Vol. 20. Vol. 21. Vol. 4 has works on the Holy Spirit and Holy Scripture. Vol. 5 has Display of Arminianism and Death of Death in the Death of Christ. Vol. 6 has a work defending the perseverance of the saints. Vol. 7 has treatises on perseverance, mortification, and temptation. Vol. 8 contains Vindiciae Evangeliae, a defense of the priestly work of Christ. Vol. 9 continues Vindiciae Evangeliae and also has treatise on divine justice. Vol. 10 has two works on the Trinity and one on the person and satisfaction of Christ. Vol. 11 has a work on justification and one on faith. Vol. 12 contains works on the glory of Christ’s work and person. Vol. 13 has works on indwelling sin and spiritual-mindedness. Vol. 14 has an exposition of the 130th Psalm and a couple other treatises. Vol. 16 contains sermons. Vol. 17 has various sermons and discourses on the unity of the Protestants and their future. Vol. 18 contains a response to a book in defense of Romanism. Vol. 19 has various works on the Church. Vol. 20 has works on Church government. Vol. 21 has works on love, the peace of the Church, and Church government. ________. Thomson, Andrew. The Life of John Owen. Pajon, Claude. Examen du Livre qui porte pour titre, “Prejugez Legitimes Contre Les Calvinistes.” ________. Remarques sur l’Avertissement Pastorale. French. Pareus, David. Chronologia Sacra. Latin. Pareus was a German Reformed theologian and student of Ursinus. ________. In Divinam Epistolam Ad Romanos Sancti Pauli. Pemble, William. Vindiciae, or A Treatise of Justification by Faith. Pemble was an early 17th century, English Puritan. Pictet, Benedict. Brevis Syllabus Controversarium. Latin. A very helpful summary of controversies in the late 17th and the beginning of the 18th century that the Reformed Church faced, written by Turretin’s cousin and successor in Geneva. ________. Christian Theology. A very helpful, short, and easy-to-read system of Reformed theology. The original Latin is also available. ________. Graecorum Recentiorum Sententiae. An overview of the differences between the Reformed Churches and the Greek Orthodox at the time of Pictet. ________. La Morale Chrétienne. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 6. Vol. 7. Vol. 8. French. This is a discussion of the whole of Christian ethics. Vol. 5 is a discussion primarily of the second table of law and matters relating to justice between man and man. ________. Medulla Ethicae Christianae. æ ________. Medulla Theologiae Christianae Didacticae et Elencticae. ________. Prières pour Tous les Jours de la Semaine. French. ________. Traité Contre L’indifference des Religions. French. He opposed the indifference that began to be common in the beginning of the Enlightenment era. ________. Budé, Eugène. Vie de Bénédict Pictet. Piscator, Johannes. Analysis Logica Epistolae Pauli ad Romanos. Latin. Piscator was a famous exegete and a successor of sorts to Olevianus at the German Reformed school at Herborn. He is perhaps most well-known now for his denial of the imputation of the active obedience of Christ, though in his lifetime, he was appreciated mostly for his exegetical and translation work. This is his commentary on Romans. He commented on the entire Bible. ________. Analysis Logica Evangelii Secundum Johannem. Latin. ________. Analysis Logica Libri S. Lucae. ________. In Librum Psalmorum Commentarius. Polanus, Amandus. Analysis Libri Hoseae. Polanus was one of the leading theologians of the early orthodox period. He is well-known for his systematic work, but he was more famous in his own day for his work as an Old Testament professor. This is his commentary on Hosea, and it includes several essays on theological topics. ________. Analysis libelli prophetae Malachiae, aliquot praelectionibus Genevae proposita: Adjunctae sunt Orationes quatuor ab eodem Auctore in Academia Basiliensi habitae. ________. De Aeterna Dei Praedestinatione Didascalia. ________. Logicae Libri Duo. ________. Sylloge Thesium Theologicorum. ________. Theses theologicae de Unico S. S. Theologiae principio, Canone Scripturarum divinarum & iudice veri sensus Scripturarum divinarum & iudice veri sensus Scripturae & controversiarum Ecclesiasticarum. Polhill, Edward. Armatura Dei, Or, A Preparation for Suffering in an Evil Day. ________. A View of Some Divine Truths. A Puritan theologian. He gives an overview of the major doctrines of Protestantism. Polyander, Johannes, et al. Synopsis Purioris Theologiae. ________. Censura in Confessionem. Latin. A response to the Remonstrants’ confession. Poole, Matthew. The Nullity of the Romish Faith. The great commentator refutes the faith of Rome and then proves the Protestant faith. Prideaux, John. Opera Theologica Omnia. Reynolds, Edward. The Whole Works. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 6. Vol. 1 contains a discussion of his life and treatises on the vanity of the creature, the sinfulness of sin, and the life of Christ. Vol. 4 contains various sermons. Ridgley, Thomas. A Body of Divinity. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. A complete systematic theology set forth as a commentary on the Westminster Larger Catechism. While it provides a complete and helpful systematic theology, it does not always provide information on the meaning of the words of the Catechism. Rijssen, Leonard. Summa Theologiae Elencticae. Rivet, André. Catholicus Orthodoxus. Latin. ________. Commentarii in Librum Exodum. Latin. ________. Critici Sacri Libri IV. Rivet was a French theologian who taught at Leyden. He co-authored the Synopsis Purioris. This book is an introduction to the Bible. ________. Jesuita Vapulans. This is a refutation of a response to Pierre Du Moulin by a Jesuit. ________. Praelectiones in Cap. XX Exodi. ________. Remarques et Considerations. French. A response to a response to Du Plessis Mornay’s books on the papacy. ________. Theologicae et Scholasticae Excercitationes Centum Nonaginta in Genesin. Robinson, Stuart. The Church of God as an Essential Element of the Gospel. Rollock, Robert. Select Works. Vol. 2. Rollock was a 16th century Scottish theologian who was one of the first to use the terminology of the covenant of works. Rutherford, Samuel. Thomson, Andrew. Samuel Rutherford. Saurin, James. Sermons. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 6. This edition of sermons was published in 1800. Vol. 1 is on the attributes of God. Vol. 2 is on the truth of revelation. Vol. 3 is on the principal doctrines of Christianity. Vol. 4 is on Christian moralilty. Vol. 5 is on various subjects. Vol. 6 contains sermons on occasions of the sacrament. Sermons of the Rev. James Saurin. Vol. 2. He was a French Reformed preacher who fled to the Netherlands. Many of his sermons were translated into English and published in these two volumes. ________. Berthault, E.A. J. Saurin et La Prédication Protestante. Schneck, Benjamin Schroeder. Mercersburg Theology Inconsistent with Protestant and Reformed Doctrine. Scott, Thomas. The Articles of the Synod of Dort. Scudder, Henry. The Christian’s Daily Walk. Sedgwick, Obadiah. The Humble Sinner Resolved to do what he should to be Saved. Shepard, Thomas. The Works. Google has Volume 1 only. It includes an essay on his life and two works on conversion. Sibbes, Richard. The Complete Works. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 6. Vol. 7. Vol. 2 contains various practical works. Vol. 3 contains a commentary on the 1st chapter of 2 Corinthians. Vol. 4 contains treatises and sermons from 1 Corinthians. Vol. 5 contains expositions and treatises from several epistles of Paul. Vol. 6 contains various treatises. Vol. 7 contains miscellaneous sermons. Sibersma, Hero. Een Lamp en Ligt for d’Oude en Nieuwe Israel. ________. De Paradysse God-Geleerdheid. A discussion of Genesis 3. Smyth, Thomas. Complete Works of Rev. Thomas Smyth. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 6. Vol. 7. Vol. 8. Vol. 9. Vol. 10. Vol. 1 is a refutation of the idea of the apostolic succession of diocesan bishops. Vol. 2 contains a defense of the apostolicity of Presbyterian government. Vol. 4 is a discussion of the offices of the Church. Vol. 5 contains a manual for members of his church and a large variety of other articles and addresses. Vol. 6 contains articles on a wide variety of topics. Vol. 7 contains articles on missions and other miscellaneous articles. Vol. 8 contains a large book on the unity of the human race and two other books entitled “The Well in the Valley” and “Why Do I Live?” Vol. 9 treats the subject of the use of reason in Christian theology. Vol. 10 contains articles on various subjects including quite a few on baptism. Spanheim, Friedrich. Brevis Introductio ad Historiam Sacram. ________. Controversarium de Religione cum Dissentibus Hodie Christianis. Latin. This is a summary of all the major controversies with the various Christian groups from the Anabaptists to the Greeks to the Rationatlists. ________. Disputationum Theologicarum Miscellenearum. Latin. Spanheim was one of the great theologians of the17th century. He taught in Geneva and the Netherlands. The first part contains disputations covering most of the systematic topics. The second part deals with the apocrypha and enthusiasts. ________. Geneva Restituta. ________. Historia Imaginum Restituta. ________. Historia Jobi. Latin. A History of Job. ________. Recueil de Sermons pour la Consolation de l’Église. French. ________. Vindiciarum Biblicarum. Spring, Gardiner. The Mercy Seat. ________. The Power of the Pulpit. Stapfer, Johann Friedrich. Institutiones Theologiae Polemicae. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Latin. Stapfer was a conservative Reformed theologian in the 18th century who not only battled against Rome, the Socinians, and the Remonstrants but also explains methods for polemical theology in relation to Deists, naturalists, and many other Enlightenment varieties of theology. Vol. 1 gives an overview of elenctic theology and theology in general. Vol. 2 treats atheism, deism, naturalism, polytheism, and Epicureanism. Vol. 3 covers Judaism, Islam, Socinianism, and indifferentism. Vol. 4 deals with Papism, Pelagianism, and Anabaptists. Vol. 5 considers the Greek Church and the differences between the Reformed and the Lutherans. Stoddard, Solomon. The Doctrine of Instituted Churches Stated and Proved from the Word of God. Taylor, Jeremy. The Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying. Teelinck, Willem. Philopatris. Thornwell, James. The Arguments of the Romanists from the Infallibility of the Church and the Testimony of the Fathers in Behalf of the Apocrypha Discussed and Refuted. ________. The Collected Writings. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. ________. The Rights and Duties of Masters. ________. Palmer, Benjamin. The Life and Letters of James Henry Thornwell. Tossanus, Daniel. Cuno, F.W. Daniel Tossanus der Ältere. German. Traill, Robert. Works. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 1 contains an account of his life and various sermons. Vol. 3 contains 22 sermons on holding fast to the faith. Trigland, Jacobus. Dissertationum Theologicarum et Philologicarum. ________. Trina Dei Gratia. Latin. Tuckney, Anthony. The Grave Disarmed and Death Swallowed Up in Victory. Turretin, Francis. Disputationum Miscellenearum Decas. Latin. This is the 4th volume that was printed along with Turretin’s Institutio. It contains disputations on the secession from the Roman Church, James 2, the atonement, and others. Some of these have been translated into English and printed in other formats. ________. Institutio Theologiae Elencticae. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Latin. Turretin’s Institutio and ten other disputations were published in Scotland in the 19th century. ________. On the Atonement of Christ. This is a translation of one of his disputations in the 4th volume of his works. ________. Summa Theologiae Didactico-Elencticae. Latin. This is a one volume abridgement of Turretin’s Institutes by Leonard Ryssen. ________. Budé, Eugène. Vie de François Turrettini. ________. Keizer, Gerrit. François Turrettini: Sa Vie et Ses Oeuvres. Turretin, Jean-Alphonse. Cogitationes et Dissertationes Theologicae. Vol. 2. ________. Commentarius Theoretico-Practicus in Epistolas Divi Pauli ad Thessalonicenses. ________. Dilucidationes Philosophico-Theologico-Dogmatico-Morales. Latin. ________. Sermon sur le Jubilé de la Réformation de Zürich. French. The son of Turretin’s sermon on the day of the celebration of Zurich’s reformation. ________. Budé, Eugène. Vie de Jean-Alphonse Turrettini. Ursinus, Zacharias. Sudhoff, Karl. C. Olevianus und Z. Ursinus: Leben und ausgewählte Schriften. ________. Corpus Doctrinae. This is Ursinus’ commentary on the catechism in Latin. The English translation is here. ________. De Libro Concordiae. Ursinus’ response to the Formula of Concord. ________. Scholasticae in materiis theologicis exercitationes. Ussher, James. A Body of Divinity: The Sum and Substance of the Christian Religion. The systematic theology of James Ussher, the famous archbishop of Armaugh in Ireland, author of the Irish Articles, and a delegate to Westminster. ________. Eighteen Sermons Preached at Oxford. ________. The Whole Works. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Latin. Vol. 6. Vol. 7. Vol. 8. Latin. Vol. 9. Latin. Vol. 10. Latin. Vol. 11. Vol. 12. Vol. 13. Vol. 14. Vol. 15. Vol. 16. Latin & English. Vol. 1 contains on account of the life and works of Bishop Ussher. Vol. 2 is a response to a Jesuit attack on the Protestant faith. Vol. 5 is a history of Britain. Vol. 8 contains the history of the world/Old Testament. Vol. 9 continues the same. Vol. 10 continues the same. Vol. 11 continues the same and has articles on doctrine and civil government. Van der Groe, Theodorus. Predakatien over het Lijden van Onzen Heere Jezus Christus. Vanderkemp, Johannes. Sermons on the Heidelberg Catechism. Vol. 2. These sermons have been printed more often than any other individual work on the Heidelberg Catechism. Vanderkemp is a good representative of the 17th century Dutch Reformed theology. He also provides lengthy sections of application, which are very helpful in knowing how to apply the Heidelberg Catechism in particular and Reformed theology in general. Van der Waeijen, Johannes. De Betooverede Wereld van Balthasar Bekker. ________. Pro Vera et Genuina Reformatorum Sententia Praesertim in Negotio Interpretationis Scripturae. ________. Summa Theologiae Christianae. Latin. Waeijen was a Voetian who later became an adamant Cartesian and Cocceian. This work contains only the first part of the systematic loci. Van Til, Salomon. Malachias Illustrata. ________. Mosis, Habakuki, et Malachiae vaticinia. ________. Theologiae utriusque compendium: cum naturalis tum revelatae, una cum appendice de origine controversiarum nostri temporis, et necessariis indicibus. Vermigli, Peter Martyr. In selectissimam Sancti Pauli priorem ad Corinth ... epistolam ... commentarii doctissimi. _______. In Epistolam S.P. ad Romanos Commentarii. _______. Traité du Sacrament de l’Eucharistie. Vincent, Thomas. An Explanation of the Assembly’s Shorter Catechism. ________. God’s Terrible Voice in the City. Vines, Richard. A Treatise on the Institution, Right Administration, and Right Receiving of the Lord’s Supper. Viret, Pierre. Traittez divers pour l’instruction des fidèles. French. A contemporary of Calvin on the doctrines of the faith. ________. Cart, J. Pierre Viret, le Réformateur Vaudois: Biographie Populaire. Vitringa, Campegius. Animadversiones ad Methodum Homiliarum. ________. Commentarius ad Canticum Mosis. Latin. The following works are listed as belonging to Campegius Vitringa. I am not sure whether they belong to the father or the son by that name. The second part of this book is a commentary on the 1st four chapters of Zechariah by Herman Venema. ________. Hypotyposis Historiae et Chronologicae Sacrae accedit Typus Doctrinae Propheticae. Latin. This is an overview of the history of the Bible and a discussion of the teaching of the prophets as a whole. ________. Observationum sacrarum libri sex. Another volume. Latin. Discussions on various Biblical topics. I believe that there are four volumes in this work and that at least the 1st and 4th volumes are available. ________. The Synagogue and the Church. Condensed from the original Latin. ________. Verklaring van Evangelische Parabolen. Vitringa, Campegius, the Son. Opuscula. Voetius, Gisbertus. Catechesatie over den Heidelbergschen Catechismus. Dutch. Voetius is perhaps the greatest of the 17th century scholastic Reformed theologians. He was also deeply concerned about piety and regularly preached in the Church and taught the orphans. This work is an instruction on the Heidelberg Catechism in question and answer format. I believe there is some dispute over whether Voetius is actually the author, but I haven’t examined this question. ________. Disceptatio de Lusu Aleae. Latin. ________. Excertatio et Bibliotheca Studiosi Theologiae. ________. Selectarum Disputationum Fasiculus. Latin. Abraham Kuyper took this selection of Voetius’ disputations out of Voetius’ 5 volumes of disputations. This is an excellent selection that puts together some of the most important of Voetius’ disputations in a modern font that is much more readable than the copies available at Gallica. ________. Selectarum Disputationum Theologicarum. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Latin. This is the whole work, except for Vol. 5. ________. Politicae Ecclesisticae Libri Duo. Vol. 2. The unabridged older edition. The abridged version is below. ________. Tractatus Selecti de Politica Ecclesiastica. Vol. 2. Latin. These are selections from Voetius’ discussions/disputations over Church polity. Volume 1 deals with the nature and authority of the Church and the sacraments. Volume 2 deals with the acts of worship and the ministry. At this time, only Volume 1 is available, as far as I can tell. ________. Duker, A.C. Gisbertus Voetius. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Dutch biography. Vos, Geerhardus. Inauguration. _______. The Mosaic Origin of the Pentateuchal Codes. _______. The Teaching of Jesus Concerning the Kingdom of God and the Church. Vossius, Gerard Joannes. De Theologia Gentili et Physiologia Christiana sive de Origine ac Progressu Idolotriae. Latin. Walaeus, Antonius. Compendium Ethicae Aristotelicae. Latin. _________. Wijngaarden, Jan Daniel de Lind van. Atonius Walaeus. Wardlaw, Ralph. Christian Ethics. ________. Discourse on the Principal Points of the Socinian Controversy. ________. Discourses on the Sabbath. ________. A Dissertation on the Scriptural Authority, Nature, and Uses of Infant Baptism. ________. Lectures on the Book of Proverbs. ________. Posthumous Works. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 6. Vol. 2 contains various lectures on the Proverbs. Vol. 6 contains the third part of his lectures on Romans, beginning with Romans 11. ________. Two Essays, I. On Assurance of Faith, II. On the Extent of the Atonement and Universal Pardon. ________. Unitarianism Incapable of Vindication. Warfield, Benjamin. The Plan of Salvation. Warfield’s classic work comparing the various views of soteriology within Christianity (in a broard sense). ________. The Power of God unto Salvation. Sermons Preached at Princeton. ________. The Right of Systematic Theology. Watson, Thomas. A Body of Practical Divinity. The complete version of Watson’s famous sermons on the Westminster Shorter Catechism. Werenfels, Samuel. Opuscula Theologica et Philologica. Vol. 2. Whitaker, William. A Disputation on Holy Scripture. Latin edition. The famous defense of sola Scriptura by the early English Puritan. _______. Tractatus de Peccato Originali. Willson, James. A Historical Sketch of the Opinions on the Atonement. This includes a translation of Turretin’s disputation on the atonement. Wilson, Robert Dick. Is the Higher Criticism Scholarly? ________. Studies in the Book of Daniel. Witherspoon, John. Letters on the Education of Children and on Marriage. ________. Treatises on Justification and Regeneration. Witsius, Herman. Conciliatory or Irenical Animadversions on the Controversies Agitated in Britain under the Names of Antinomians and Neonomians. ________. Economy of the Covenants. Vol. 2. Witsius’ systematic theology organized by the concept of the covenant. See also the Latin edition. ________. Meletemata Leidensia. This is his similar to the Miscelleneorum. Here he gives an account of the events of the life of Paul, various exegetical dissertations, and a commentary on Jude. ________. Miscelleneorum Sacrorum. Part 2. Latin. Both volumes contain various exercises on various aspects of Biblical studies such as the life of John the Baptist, the Rechabites, and the life of Timothy as well as his book on the justification controversy in Britain, which is found in Part 2. ________. Le Pratique Du Christianisme. French. An excellent catechism on the Christian life. ________. Sacred Dissertations on the Apostle’s Creed. Vol. 2. See also the Latin edition. ________. Sacred Dissertations on the Lord’s Prayer. Latin edition. Wittich, Christopher. Anti-Spinoza sive Examen Ethices Bendicti de Spinoza. Dutch version. ________. Causa Spiritus Sancti. A defense of the divinity of the Holy Spirit and His common essence with the Father and the Son. ________. Theologia Pacifica. Latin. Wittich attempted to bring together various factions in the 2nd half of the 17th century in the Netherlands and to defend the use of the philosophy of René Descartes. Wollebius, Johannes. Christianae Theologiae Compendium. Wood, James. Old and New Theology. A comparison of the Presbyterian Old School and New School on various theological topics. Wood comes from the Old School perspective. Wyttenbach, Daniel. Tentamen theologiae dogmaticae. Volume 1 only. _______. Theological Theses. This is his defense of some of the basic points of the faith. I cannot tell whether this is the theologian or his son, Daniel Albert Wyttenbach, who was a famous for his work in the humanities. Zanchi, Jerome. Absolute Predestination. Zanchi was one of the most respected Reformed theologians of the 17th century. This book has been reprinted many times. ________. Commentaar op Paulus’ Zendbrief aan de Philippensen. Dutch. ________. Commentarius in Epistolam Sancti Pauli ad Ephesios. Latin. His commentary on Ephesians, reprinted in the 19th century. ________. De Incarnatione Filii Dei. ________. In divi Pauli apostoli Epistolas ad Philippenses, Colossenses, Thessalonicenses et duo priora capita primae Epistolae divi Johannis commentarii. Lutheran Theology Baier, Johann Wilhelm. Collatio Doctrinae Quakerorum et Protestantium. Latin. ________. Compendium Theologiae Positivae. Latin. A comprehensive discussion of Lutheran doctrine. Gerhard, Johann. Loci Theologici. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 6. Vol. 7. Vol. 8. Vol. 9. Latin. This is the height of Lutheran dogmatics. Gerhard was a somewhat moderate Lutheran theologian, and he was also very interested in promoting piety. ________. Sacred Meditations. These are very helpful mediations. I would highly recommend them, even though some of the errors of Lutheran theology do appear from time to time. Hunnius Aegidius. Articulus de Providentiae et Praedestinatione Aeterna. Hutter, Leonard. Compendium Locorum Theologorum. Latin. A short compendium of Lutheran theology. Pieper, Franz. Christliche Dogmatiek. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. German. A commonly used textbook of Lutheran dogmatics. It has been translated and is available for purchase in English. He wrote this in large part because too many Lutherans were using Charles Hodge as their basic textbook of theology. Schmid, Heinrich. Die Dogmatik der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kerk. German. This is a work similar to Heppe’s Reformed Dogmatics, except that it collates the doctrine of the Lutheran scholastics. You can read it in English here. Schmid, Johannes Andreas. De Catechesi Racoviensi. Latin. A refutation of the Socinian catechism in 15 disputations. Other Relevant Theological Material Beecher, Lyman. Views in Theology. Beecher’s own statement of his controversial views. Bellarmino, Robert. De Controversiis Christianae Fidei. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Latin. This is the massive attack on Protestant theology by the Jesuit theologian. This worked called forth responses from almost every major Protestant theologian of the late 16th and early 17th centuries. The first volume treats Scripture, Christ, and the Papacy. The second volume treats the Church, the clergy, purgatory, and images. Volume 4 treats the doctrine of salvation, free will, and justification. Volume 3 is not yet available. Bossuet, Jacques. Éxposition de la Doctrine de l’Église Catholique sur Les Matières de Controverse. French. Bossuet was a leading opponent of the French Reformed Church in the second half of the 17th century in France. Jurieu wrote a response, see above. You can also read an English translation. ________. The History of the Variations of the Protestant Churches. Vol. 2. Bossuet wrote this against the Calvinists. Canisius, Peter. Summa Doctrinae Christianae. Latin. This is a classic summary of the Romanist faith. Catechism of the Catholic Church. The modern catechism. Cattenburgh, Adrian. Bibliotecha Scriptorum Remonstantium. Latin. A catalogue of the disputes between the Remonstrants and Socinians. Crell, Johann. Scriptura s. Trinitatis Revelatrix. This was a work written under a pseudonym. Crell was a Socinian. Delitzsch, Franz. A System of Biblical Psychology. Dorner, Isaak. A System of Christian Doctrine. ________. A System of Christian Ethics. I have found parts of this book to be very helpful and insightful in the consideration of moral questions. Molina, Luis de. Concordia Liberi Arbitrii cum Gratiae Donis. Molina defended synergism and middle knowledge against the views of the Dominicans in the Papist communion. Limborch, Philippus van. Compleat System or Body of Divinity. This is a systematic theology by the leading Remonstrant of the second half of the 17th century. Nicole, Pierre. Prejugez Légitimes Contre les Calvinistes. French. This works claims the Reformation is illegitimate. Jean Claude wrote a response, see above. Orr, James. The Ritschlian Theology and the Evangelical Faith. The Racovian Catechism. The catechism of the Socinian church. It also contains a history of the Unitarian movement. Socinus, Faustus. Assertiones Theologicae de Triuno et Uno Deo. Latin. ________. Praelectiones theologiae. Latin. Schleiermacher, Friedrich. The Christian Faith. Condensed. The classic work of Schleiermacher presented in a more condensed form. See the original German here. Suarez, Fancisco. Opera Omnia. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 6. Vol. 7. Vol. 8. Vol. 9. Vol. 10. Vol. 11. Vol. 12. Vol. 13. Vol. 14. Vol. 15. Vol. 16. Vol. 17. Vol. 18. Vol. 19. Vol. 20. Vol. 21. Vol. 22. Vol. 23. Vol. 24. Vol. 25. Vol. 26. Latin. Vol. 1 is on the doctrine of God. Vol. 2 is on the angels. Vol. 4 is on man. Vols. 5-6 are on the law of God. Vols. 7-8 are on grace. Vol. 11 is on grace and the foreknowledge of God. Vol. 12 is on faith, hope, and love. Vols. 15-16 are on religion. Vols. 17-18 are on the incarnation. Vol. 21 is on the Eucharist. Vol. 23 is on Church censures. Vol. 24 contains writings against Anglicanism and the King of England. Vol. 25 is on metaphysics. Westcott, Frederick Brooke. St. Paul and Justification. geovisit(); Good Morning! I found a great link to a bunch of great Theology Books on Googlebooks: |
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February 2013